Moby pede desculpa a Natalie Portman

 Em causa estão declarações do artista no seu livro de memórias The It Fell Apart.

Moby pede desculpa a Natalie Portman

O DJ Moby recorreu ao seu Instagram para pedir desculpa à atriz Natalie Portman. Em causa estão declarações do artista no seu livro Then It Fell Apart.

“De Moby, um pedido de desculpas”, pode ler-se na imagem publicada. Na descrição, o DJ revela que com o passar do tempo se apercebeu “que algumas das críticas relacionadas com a inclusão de Natalie Portman em Then It Fell Apart são válidas”.

No mesmo texto, Moby diz ainda reconhecer que foi “insensível” o facto de não ter informado a atriz sobre a sua referência no livro e “não ter respeitado a sua reação”.

No livro, o DJ fala sobre um suposto romance entre ele e Natalie Portman. A atriz já veio a público desmentir a versão do músico, o que motivou o pedido de desculpas.


As some time has passed I've realized that many of the criticisms leveled at me regarding my inclusion of Natalie in Then It Fell Apart are very valid. I also fully recognize that it was truly inconsiderate of me to not let her know about her inclusion in the book beforehand, and equally inconsiderate for me to not fully respect her reaction. I have a lot of admiration for Natalie, for her intelligence, creativity, and animal rights activism, and I hate that I might have caused her and her family distress. I tried to treat everyone I included in Then It Fell Apart with dignity and respect, but nonetheless it was truly inconsiderate for me to not let them know before the book was released. So for that I apologize, to Natalie, as well as the other people I wrote about in Then It Fell Apart without telling them beforehand. Also I accept that given the dynamic of our almost 14 year age difference I absolutely should've acted more responsibly and respectfully when Natalie and I first met almost 20 years ago. Moby

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